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Great American Real News Links has the best most honest news sources together in one hub, and it also has our latest videos and social media content. Terry O'Brien is a lifelong conservative who is very worried that America is on the brink of becoming a woke socialist state and that future generations will not know the Liberty that we grew up with. This site is new and it is going to grow, so please join us as it grows, make content suggestions, and share with friends.
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Great American Briefs
Judge Merchan's Volksgerichtshof, a Travesty of Justice:: The People's Court (Volksgerichtshof) was a special court in Nazi Germany, created to have trials outside of the normal constitutional laws. Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan created a 2024 Nazi Show Trial to convict Donald Trump of multiple felonies. We are losing our nation. Click here to continue
No Real Christian can Vote for a Democrat:: The Democrat Party of John F Kennedy and Harry Truman does not exist anymore. It has been radicalized by radical Leftists who engage in all manner of evil acts, but none are so evil as what they are doing to children. Click here to continue
War on Children:: What is happening to America's children in schools and libraries is both frightening and revolting. You need to know about it. Click here to continue
40 Years - The Wickedness of the Children of God:: In the Bible 40 years refers to a Generation. The 1980's generation of Ronald Reagan and the Pope who fought and defeated Communism has been replaced by the 2002's generation that embraces Socialism, Marxism, Wokism, and all manner of evil. How did this happen? Click here to continue
Real Rights, Fake Rights, Human Rights:: You hear a lot of talk about "rights", and often it is ignorant talk and plain propaganda. What are real rights? What are fake rights? Where do rights come from? According to the United States Declaration of Independence, peoples' rights come from "their Creator" and they are self-evident. Click here to continue
The Democrats' Marxist Agenda:: Have you ever wondered how it is possible for Democrats and Leftists to push the most insane policies? Why do you see communist flags at climate change events? Why do you see communist flags flying with Antifa and BLM mobs, flying at abortion events, and at other Leftist riots? Isn't it strange? Where is the connection? Click here to continue